"Auschwitz- Birkenau, one of the most cruel places we have ever seen! The evidence to one of our greatest crimes ever perpetrated against humanity! The Auschwitz camp was placed on the world heritage list and it is the key place of memory for the whole humankind for the holocaust. It is also a monument to the strength of the human spirit which resisted the German Nazi regime. It is a collective memory for the dark chapter in the history of humanity, of transmission to younger generations."
Instituto Comprensivo Maria Grazia Cutuli-Italy Liceul Teoretic "Mihai Eminescu"Barlad- Romania Zespol Szkol w Chromranicah-PolandGimnazjum Nr.2 Brzeszczach-Poland Obchodna Academia Levice- Slovakia
Project Description
Duration: six months (12.11.2007-12.05.2008) Short description: The project has the objective of training students to propose elements of reflection and draw their attention to the racial persecution, particularly during the years of Fascism and Nazism. The project aimed to make an analysis of historical, political, economic, social and cultural impact of the Thirties, produce research material on the Shoah, discussion, development and put into communication with a specific laboratory (eg iconographic research on Auschwitz): with collection of photos and images of people, places, objects, which constitute an album, but also a path, history and music, etc.
The students have really felt closer to their European peers and have acquired a strong motivation to learn more about the cultural richness European Union, through reflection on diversity and common roots.
Age of students: 13-15
Who is involved? Teachers (preparing materials and coordinating activity) Students (collecting information, selecting reading materials, making PPT presentations, films)
Subjects: History, English, Social sciences, IT
Tools used: Power Point presentations, video
The silence of the living
Elisa Springer was born in Vienna in 1918 into a family of Jewish merchants of Hungarian origin. Survived the camps, in 1946 he moved to Italy where she lived in Manduria, in the province of Taranto, until 2004 (the year of his death at the age of 86 years). ABSTRACT: The book opens with Elisa reminiscent of his life, his home and all those you care that no longer has revised at the end of the war. Elisa was born in Vienna and began his torment after the vote in 1938, 'Anschluss (annexation expropriation with total assets of the Jews. Expulsion from schools). In this way the law was passed that put end to the independence of 'Austria, but that made it part of Greater Germany. One of the first to suffer from this change was Elisa's father, Richard Springer, which was captured by the SS and led first to Dachau and Buchenwald then where did more return. The mother and Elisa were evicted from their home, but found temporary accommodation. In 1939 the situation fell increasingly persecution and also began to affect women and all Jews. An aunt of Elisa who lived in London, had managed to obtain permission to stay only for the mother and Elisa should have it at a later time. Elisa's mother, refused to leave his daughter alone, and so he decided to stay to find a way out. From shortly afterwards, managed to find an Italian jew that enabled them to marry Elisa take a new nationality. The timing is prolungarono because the Nazis had understood the background of these marriages and so sought to hinder. Meanwhile, the residence permit for the mother had expired and also with marriage, Elisa had to leave Austria soon. The mother tried to escape in Hungary, but was captured and thanks to the knowledge of his uncle Richard, in the meantime, the host, was relegated in the Budapest ghetto, so Elisa was alone with the hope that one day could revise his mother. Elisa decided to find shelter in Italy, where he decided to stop over in Milan to work as a translator. But persecution arrived there too and Elisa was arrested in June 1944 and closed in the first jail in San Vittore, then in Como, finally back in San Vittore, from where it was brought, with a train starting from Verona on August 2, 1944 , at Auschwitz-Birkenau. After a long journey and inhuman, did get together with other Jews in an area of birch trees in the middle of the night where there were officers who divided into two files; who was sent in the right row were only a few hours old. There were a medical officer SS, Joseph Mengele and a Ukrainian writer, a certain Bogdan. When it opened Herta (her friend known during his first detention) with his children, Elisa noticed that the SS in white shirts not even raised his eyes on her. With the cord in the row pushed where there were mostly old people, pregnant women, sick, disabled and children. At that time without thinking good German churches to be able to follow the friend. Suddenly, with a click of anger, Bogdan Elisa taken for an arm, reported in the left column and said: "Stay where you are, I'll come back tomorrow." Mengele case did the fact imperterrito and continued his work. After the selection, Herta and her children and all of the deportees right column were conducted in the courtyard of the red brick building with a large fireplace that smoked constantly. In meno di due ore sarebbero stati fumo e cenere. In less than two hours would have been smoke and ashes. Fortunately in his row was also her friend Hedy. The men and women remained in place were driven into two rather different barracks, for disinfection and showers. Immediately Elisa saw naked forced to undress in front of the SS soldiers and armed guards: like all women, it was shaved, in every part. Harden with huge fans producing hot air, shortly after, received uniforms and clothes consunti without linen and hooves unequal. All 'entrance were marked and recorded the serial number on' left forearm. Auschwitz was divided into two parts: 1 Auschwitz was formed only Birkenau concentration camp in Auschwitz, the real extermination camp, which was attached to the female field. Elisa was forced to live in a wooden shack built without windows and with two entrances. Amid a stove ever working even when the outside temperature down more than twenty-five degrees below zero. On the walls were supported tavolacci of a bunk on three separate floors. He was forced to sleep on those tavolacci in twelve preventing any kind of movement. At the awakening was given a surrogate of coffee which used to sciacquarsi. It was not granted to face the Germans, but was looking straight without ever moving. The call lasted according to the weather: If your day was good, maybe three hours could suffice if the weather was bad, many times even lasted ten or twelve hours. One day Elisa, only for having supported a companion who was about to faint the officer has burned with a hot iron on the right thigh. This was only one of the punishments, then also used tear nails of the feet with boots and many other things. The food consisted of some 'rape of soup taste strange that burned terribly. After the liberation Elisa discovered that the soup was the bromide for them to stay calm and other medicines to make them sterile (making experiments on prisoners). In the afternoon there was a new appeal and then fell into the shed where you brought the margarine with a piece of meat. This power will be so lacking because of many diseases including typhoid, scabies, yellow fever, dysentery. Every fifteen days of selections that were brought to the crematoria chimneys. In shed Elisa not worked because they were never intended to another field. Then, towards the end of October, Elisa was transferred and his convoy had to go to Buchenwald, on the other hand, during the journey, the convoy was divided: part went to finish at Buchenwald death while meeting at the department where he was to Elisa Hedy he ended in Bergen Belsen. Life in Bergen Belsen was almost identical to that of Auschwitz, although initially seemed better because even worked on the crematoria. But with the arrival of the commander J. Kramer, began to be activated even there the gas chambers and ovens. Il 17 marzo del 1945 dovette affrontare un altro spostamento con destinazione ignota. On 17 March 1945 faced another move with unknown destination. After four days of travel arrived in the camp of Theresienstadt in Czechoslovakia where in a few days deportees increased enormously. In this field elisa fell ill of typhoid petecchiale and remained in a coma for about a month. On his awakening her friend Hedy said it was on 9 May 1945 and that Terezin was liberated by Russian troops.
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